Thursday, January 22, 2004

Work is back. I get up at 7am and go to bed at 2am. I had a lot of preparation work to do for most of my classes (and not just readings...) and I am getting started on the various papers and project work.
There is also this National Week and various official events that I am helping out with.
So I missed out on Chinese New Year celebrations last night, although I could very clearly hear fireworks from my room.
I am working late tonight too since I am away for the weekend. Catching a flight at some ungodly hour in the morning, only to return two hours before classes start on Monday.

I am going to Yogyakarta on the Island of Java. I am visiting temples: Borabadur and Prabanam if I remember correctly. There is also an active volcano. Saturday night we will hike all the way to the top (leaving the town at around 10pm). We should be reaching the top in time to see the sunrise. I have taken readings and macroeconomics practice problems with me, to kill time at the hotel. Should be a lot of fun. This will be my last trip before long as assignments are piling up. I will be content with the proximity of the pool for some rare expression of leisure. I will be planning a trip during the P3 and P4 break though.

gong xi fa cai

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