Friday, July 09, 2004

I really like our yearbook - I cannot post here anybody else's profile without permission but I can give samples of the ones I wrote, taking out the names. Our classmates write profiles about each and everyone of us...

Here is X profile
Some argued that X was a power fanatic with an International Tech hat on, much like his president, except for the style of hat. In reality, he pushed the concept of non-authoritarian consensus building to its limits by making a series of controversial moves. He developed close contact dating techniques, through the delivery of self-defense classes to the 18% minority under threat. After running his own company and have little to learn from INSEAD, X nevertheless supported international cooperation by raising the number of languages per capita. We only regret his preference for useless dialects, such as French and Finnish. Admittedly, in the Olympics, it would be hard for this international patchwork to choose which flag to run with. The boldness and originality of his views on international affairs were magnificently illustrated by interventions in which he turned into a passionate walking encyclopedia. As such, he courageously stood against the abyss of ignorance of his national leaders. X also embraced true values in Singapore as he revealed to his senses the voluptuous secrets of Thai massage, the delights of Asian food, the vapors of alcohol and the power of female seduction. Most likely to win in a fight with Jacky Chang while enjoying caviar and champagne.

Here is Y profile
If James Bond were Indian, Y would get the role. His charm and social ease gets him whatever (and whoever) he wants. It is hard to imagine this all-smile, funky cool guy has contributed to half the world’s marketable technical inventions. When not breaking people with his wicked cross-over on the basketball court, he attempted to pick-up his French teacher with Level I skills. Needless to say, “ça va?” did not get him very far despite his Dawg gangsta look (he lowered his car seats all the way down!).

Y is gifted at almost everything he does: tennis, skiing, cooking, yet he generously pours wine into your glass at a party. He is the most credible and incredible person when he claims that grades rank second to learning and having fun (he never opened his grade envelopes, preferring to surround his cleverness with an air of mystery.) Y rules when it comes to handling “liquidity” products. He’d never run on a negative bash flow. Most likely to sell for a profit, then be asked to turn around the same company four or five times, before retiring a sublime millionaire with a delicate glass of vodka, at age 35.

Here is Z Profile
Ever want to get away from life for a short bit? Z's the person to talk to. Four months in Singapore were insufficient to travel to all the places she wanted to go. She generated more travel ideas than the rest of INSEAD and took us all over SE Asia. And more than that, she doesn't need transport like us common mortals! She sails. Really well.

Super Z, full of energy, enthusiasm and eternally rearing to go. Where? Nobody knows … But be careful of what you say, our class Lois Lane is always on the watch. However, this hard-hitting writer needs no Superman, her own super powers include a wit faster than a speeding bullet, a sports addiction hardly contained by volleyball, a charisma more powerful than a locomotive and a charm to leap over all men. Omnipresent and effervescent, she is a generous powerhouse.

From cycling through the forest of Fontainebleau, to dancing in the nightclubs of SingaPOMP, and back - she added color wherever she went. Let’s just hope she never gets a job as a France Telecom/UPS representative!

Most likely to be the first MBA woman to sail around the world (and write about it!)

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