Monday, July 05, 2004

I promised a small post on Cabaret...I must thank the organizers for their creative talent - and the rest of Insead for their contribution. It was a fantastic show. Here are a few excerpts to give you a taste of how funny things were...

The introduction unrolled on a big screen, spoken with a very grave and rasp voice, a la Hollywood "I want to sound serious and dramatic". Dramatic Lord of the Ring intro theme in the background.

I amar prestar aen. (ee amar prestar ein). The world has changed.
Han mathon ne nen. (han mathon ne nen). I feel it in the water.
Han mathon ne chae. (han mathon ne hai). I feel it in the earth.
A han nostron ned wilith. (ahan nothon ne gwilith). and I smell it in the air.

Much that once was, is lost for none now live who remember it.
It began with the forging of the great dings. Three were given to the investment banks: Immortal, well paying, and toughest of all firms.
Seven to industry: Solid firms of history and product and craftsmen of cheap smelling French perfumes and wooden crates.
And nine, nine dings were gifted to the consultancies who above all else, desire spikes and overly structured thinking.

For within these dings was bound the strength and the will to govern every career.

But they were, all of them, deceived; for another ding was made. In the land of INSEAD, in the fires of Mount Acceptus, the Dark Lord of CMS forged, in secret, a master ding.

And into this ding she poured her cruelty, her malice and her will to dominate all careers.

One ding to rule them all.


The entire show was the story of two elves (N and Z) trying to fight the curse of the INSEAD Ding. The acts populated their travels throughout the land of INSEAD. Here is the small act that accounted for the Wharton exchange and partnership program.

N, the small elf stands on the side of the screen. The director of MBA Admissions at Wharton is filmed and displayed on a big screen. N talks in the mic, the Director's part was recorded. Together it looks like a real life conversation. N is on the phone - so is the Director, in her office. This was filmed at Wharton, in the Admissions Office by INSEAD students during their time tehre. I must salute the acting talent of the people at Wharton and their willingness to lend their time to this act.

R: Wharton Admissions department, can I help you?
N: Yes, um can I speak to the director of admissions?
R: This is her.
N: Uh hi, this is Nick Tolley calling.
R: Yes?
N: So, how is the weather there?
R: The weather is fine. What can I help you with Nick, you're starting to waste my time.

N: Um, well Rosemaria...
R: That's Mrs. Martinelli to you, thank you very much.
N: Right, Mrs., I was just calling to check on the status of my application...
R: You were dinged.
N: [Nick continues talking not noticing] ...because I really need to make a decision pretty soon...
R: Dinged.
N: ...because I applied to a few other schools...
R: Ding.
N: [another uncomfortable pause] sorry, what did you say?
R: We dinged you!
N: [short silence and then asks again] I'm sorry?
R: We dinged you. Are you listening? Do you understand? You were dinged! You know, Lord of the Dings
N: ...but, I don't understand.


N: ...but...
R: You're such a ding that we even have a bell with your name on it.
N: But...
R: I heard of this place, lost in the woods, in the middle of nowhere. It is a nice forest, would suit you fine, I think it is called...DINGSEAD, perhaps you might consider send your application there.


Our two elves, at some point, must sit an exam - it is a marketing exam. They both sit down at a table and we hear an intermix of voices (all precorded but it does look like they are speaking, and it does feel like we can hear the voices in their head)

N: A marketing exam…what are the odds of that? I must be able to pass it this time! Prenom - DOLLY…D-O-L-L-Y…

Z: Good, let’s get going. Question number 1: You are a large European business school located deep in a forest with many boars and few women. How do you expand your student body beyond French engineers and ex-consultants and ensure at least 10% women?

N (stamping his forehead with his hand): Doh! My prenom’s not Dolly. NICK N-I-C-K…

Z: Ok, first I need a framework. What would work here? SWOT? Five forces? How do I segment this?

VOICES: twenty seconds of voice. Pascale (finance), Hibon (poisson and statistics), Lucy (Finance), Yannis, (another e1/e2) prof, Prashant (Marketing) giving their most famous quotes that the whole promotion will recall with a smile

For instance: "how do you know this is not a probabilite question? Because it does not say probabilite in the question!" - Statistics Tutorial Professor


VOICES again mixed of various professors and of the lost thoughts of the exam takers: [Z shows frustration; collapses on his desk.]


N: [N taps a bewildered Z the shoulder] Mate, what’s today’s date?

W: Ok, times up, I’ll take those. [Flips through] These are horrible. I can’t let you pass with these. You guys are stupider and uglier than a naked mole rat.

Z: Perhaps we are, old wizard, but your time here grows short and your power is weakening.

N: Soon you will be banished to the west wing along with the rest of the…[shudder]…finance department.

Well done everybody!!!!

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