Saturday, May 01, 2004

I have returned to the home of French Bullfights: Nimes as I could not stand the 5 degrees and the rain that greeted me as I stepped off the plane in the most disorganized airport in the country: Charles-De-Gaulle. I had to fit in-between two bulky suitcases on the TGV down south because all luggage lockers were unusable for safety reasons (plan vigipirate in vigor throughout the country after the Madrid terrorrist attack) which considerably reduced my comfort level already at its lowest after a 13-hr flight.

Fortunately, the smell of a Southern nature in blossom, lilies of the valley decorating every home as a symbol of luck on May Day and the purity of the Languedoc skies changed my spirits for the best.

It is very possible that the lovely glass of rose wine, the delicious cheese and bread and the most succulent strawberries contributed largely to the satisfaction of my senses - which between Singapore and Fontainebleau have grown increasingly delicate.

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