Saturday, May 15, 2004

I don't know if you realize but I am dedicating one hour of my Saturday to find more stories to entertain you with. Have I become a blog addict? Do I become feverish when I am away from the Internet for more than 10 minutes? Do I roll my eyes and display a blank stare when people stop sending me e-mails?

I don't think so, might not be that bad.

Turns out that I am on campus because of another of these illegal, highly detrimental to my general health and psychological well-being, Saturday class. At least, they had the decency to move it from an 8.30 start to a 9am start and gave us some breakfast. I tell you, whoever does the planning at this school need to be taught good manners. Weekends in the last period, especially the sunny ones are reserved for friends, sports and other even more damaging to health activities, such as BBQ training and beer and wine drinking.

Turns out that today's class was extremely interesting, so I will forgive them. It was not taught by our usual professor, it was taught by a British INSEAD alumnus who has since become a fairly successful entrepreneur, setting up a business of English pubs in France. I will dedicate a full post to the main take-aways of this class - and as I contemplate the weather outside, I am hitching to go on a bike ride throughout the forest. Unfortunately, I have just realized that I have missed a deadline for a paper, so I wil also dedicate an hour to writing it up.

Email is down - for the WHOLE day. In Singapore, maintenance happened at night (Fonty day time). We have had many many many many days of system maintenance taking down our communication lines with the outside world down for hours and hours. Of course, I came to send emails for my job search (which is going well by the way in case anyone of you wondered - I am searching a lot. I am not finding much yet, but searching ok). Global firms do maintenance work when it is least disrupting (middle of the night) and not so often. Weekends are used by MBA to work sometimes....and a 10 hour no-email-no-nothing period is a lot of time. Too much...Too often...

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