Wednesday, February 04, 2004

We did our little show in the IPA class. Returning home after many years of forced exile as a Fashion Model in France (tomorrow night is Ze French Ouik fashion show), to Petrolia, a country in turmoil, an adviser to the new popular Gal, who got into a leading position after a much awaited coup, comments on Petrolia, with its capital city: Shelea. We drew a picture of the country, using the World Bank at a glance format and got real pictures of real West-African states in disarray.
General D. just overthrew a cruel dictator who ruined the country, built worthless infrastructure with oil money. Gal d. wants to bring economic reform but hesitates to propose democratic elections before he stabilizes the economy. Petrolia's Finance Minister proposed three objectives to concentrate on. Gal D. asked for his old friends' opinion.
One camp argued vehemently in favor of early democratic elections while the other camp argued passionately against.
Gal D. ultimately made up his mind and energized the country. Overall, it was a lot of fun to be able to say

- I am in charge
- There must be a third point, Minister T.
- Gal D., this argument holds no water
- The whole judicial system is concentrated in a dead general
- Gal D., you are the only hope for the people of Petrolia, a liferaft for the country

Overall, a lot of fun, for us and hopefully for the class too!!!

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