Friday, February 13, 2004

The sky looks increasingly cloudy tonight. I now have nothing planned to do since my trip has just shited by an entire day. My classes ended early since they were cancelled to allow us to meet Tom. I will be meeting a friend, we will walk over to some small food place, enjoy some Murtabak or Nasi Goreng before I head back to campus to finish off my Power and Politics paper. When I look at all the naive mistakes I have made in the change process that I have decided to analyze, I wonder how I could have been successful at bringing change. The pool is way too tempting at the residence so I often opt to work from school. I am getting to know the night guard quite well, as it is not uncommon for me to leave the premises well after midnight.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

I took Power and Politics to work on my influence tactics in view of this important event but I guess that I am running out of time now ;-) Next period there will be only TWO women from the September promotion on campus. MAJOR bummer.

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