Thursday, February 19, 2004

I have handed in my Power and Politics paper and I have finished my part of the Strategy for Asia-Pac paper. I have also learned that I can actually hand in my Self Assessment after exams/break, so I can now concentrate on catching up with exam revisions. It looks like I can get to bed early today! It is just past midnight! Yeppeeeee!

On Wednesday, something very spooky happened. I was so tired that I completely miss my morning classes, even though I did look on the schedule and I spent all the morning at school working. The information just does not seem to have registered anywhere in my brain. I also have complete blanks as to what happened on that morning. There are certain moments that seem to have vanished from my memory.

Tonight was our last day of our excellent OB class. We all met up by the pool for drinks with the professor, who got a big round of applause. Cheerio.

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