Monday, February 09, 2004

I am always amazed at how rude people can be. I was happily working away in a cubicle, focused on a paper that I must do for my Self-Assessment class. A group of people rushed into my cube, started to speak out loud, sharing data, etc...
After about 10 minutes, I realized that they were engaged in group work - which from experience can become fairly agitated.

The rule is quite simple, groups have priorities over individuals in the closed meeting rooms, then in the various working cubicles. I am not sure that this group checked the meeting rooms but whether they had a right to be there or not is irrelevant. I am just arguing over the process. Wouldn't it be simple to let me know about their intentions and politely ask me to move out? I would have gladly obeyed. Instead, they were quite oblivious of my existence and very effectively disturbed my work. I just moved out to the cubicle across the corridor.

Huntington might put it down to civilization crash. I call it blunt disrespect.

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