Wednesday, February 18, 2004

For people who are not aware of my workload.

- I must finish my Power and Politics paper tonight, some 10 pages excluding exhibits. I have written and must now incorporate the feedback that I have received. I must hand it in tomorrow at 9.30am.
- I must finish my Strategy for Asia Pac paper, some 20 pages. We have already written about 14, but we still have some new information coming in. This is due early next week.
- I must start and write my Self Assessment paper, some 35 pages, due early next week.
- I must start my MacroEconomics review (or learning for the most part actually) process. Exam is Monday. I have 4 past exams to go through.
- I must start my International Political Analysis review process. Exam is Monday or Tuesday. I have not checked yet about the number of exams I must work my way through
- I have drinks tomorrow with my OB classmates by the pool, with the professor.
- There is a dinner organized on Friday which I will miss.

It is 10.30pm on Thursday night


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