Thursday, April 01, 2004

Heard in class and faithfully reported

- "I once did something in a cinema in Japan" - REP professor
- " a cinema" - the class
- " it is not what you think, it was a professional thing" - REP professor
-"right, so she was a professional"
-you don't understand guys, I was working on seat design for the cinema

-"this is a very good point: increased leverage increased your financial distress but how do you measure this? through loss of sales, suppliers, etc...I mean would you want to fly with United Airlines now that you know that they are bankrupt? " finance professor
- Sorry, sir but I disagree" - Finance student
-"really, ok - let's hear this
- I think that only finance professors will look at the debt-to-equity ratio on the balance sheet of an airline before they book their ticket"

- "It is interesting, answers to this case have changed quite dramatically over the years. 10 years ago, it was Debt, which made no sense whatsoever. At least today, you get to Equity" - Finance professor
-"looks like teaching has improved in the past 10 years" - finance student

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